Noxious weed publications available as user resources

Noxious Weed Field Guide

This 109 page field guide is the fourth edition updated for 2017. It contains dozens of color photos and color maps identifying Utah’s 54 state noxious weeds in their new state classification listing. To order this field guide, please visit USU Extension Publications website.

equine brochure

Poisonous plants and equine

Poison plants can be found in almost all plant communities. Like most other species of livestock, Equine/Horses will not usually choose to consume weeds or poisonous plants when quality forages are available. They do have discriminating tastes and exhibit a preference for quality legumes and/or grasses over less desirable poisonous plants. However, horses deprived of…

Cover of the Utah weeds strategic plan

Utah Strategic Plan

Noxious Weeds are the largest environmental concern to Utah. Infestations of noxious weeds crowd out native vegitation, increase erosion, use precious water, and decrease the forage production that is used by domestic and wild animals. Noxious weeds are not just an agricultural problem. They are everyone’s problem.  DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE  The Utah Strategic Plan for…